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How to Use Future Perfect Tense for English

Updated: Jan 10, 2022

Brief overview of the tense

The Future Perfect Tense is used to represent an action that will have been completed (finished or "perfected") at a given point in the future. We usually add time expressions such as ‘by the time’, ‘by then’, ‘by August 6th’ etc to make future perfect tense.

The future perfect tense is formed using "will" plus "have" plus the past participle of the verb (which can be either regular or irregular in form).


  • You will have finished all your dues by this time next month.

  • Joe will have run successfully in the next event by June 25th, if he can finish this marathon.

All grammar rules for forming the tense

  1. Wh- Questions in the Future Perfect Tense

When we make any question that starts with wh word, we follow the below rule-

WH Sentences = Wh word + Had + Subject + 3rd form of verb +Object?


  • Why will you have engaged before Christmas?

  • What will you have done before your meeting with a client?

  1. For making any question that can be answered as yes or no, we follow-

Yes/No Sentences = Will + Subject + have + 3rd form of verb +Object?


  • Will she have bought a new book by this time next month?

  • Will they have worked for us before next week?

3. For Tag questions, future perfect tense can be made by adding auxiliary verbs.


  • I will have gone to the school, will you not have?

  • Melissa will not have read the book, will she have?

Sentence patterns for the tense

Positive Sentences

Subject + will have + past participle of the main verb

E.g.: I will have finished the task by Monday.

Negative Sentences

When we make negative sentences, we normally use not in between auxiliary verbs.

Subject+ will + not +have + 3rd form of verb +Object

E.g.: I will not have met her before summer vacation.

Interrogative sentences

Will + Subject + past participle of the main verb

E.g.: Will I have finished the task by then?

1. The tense is used to express any action in which future indicating words like next, tomorrow etc are used


  • Jill will have given your the books back by next week.

  • They will have to sing the song till I reach the venue.

2. The tense is used to express any duration before something in the future


  • Tom will have been in Jerusalem for 2 years

  • They will have been in that movie for 2 hours

3. The tense is used to explain any action in which simple present tense is given afterward like before and when.


  • They will have completed the practice of the song before the event starts

4. The tense is used if any action has been completed before something happens in the future


  • Lisa will have left the university by next year

  • By the time we come in, they will have finished room decoration.

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